How do I ship my new collectibles home?

Choose how you want to get your collectibles: ship your eligible collectibles right away or have your items transferred to your linked Upper Deck e-Pack® account. If your items are transferred to your e-Pack® account, your collectibles can be stored for as long as you choose, traded for other collectibles or shipped to you. Collectibles transferred to e-Pack® can only be shipped or traded after the physical item is available. If you have any questions about how e-Pack® works, please click here to review the FAQs.
Still have questions? Please contact our customer service team here.
How do Pre-Orders work on Collect Forever™?
On the Shop, you will find items that are listed as pre-order only. The product page for each item includes information on when the item is expected to be available to ship. When you pre-order an item on Collect Forever™, you will be charged during the checkout process and orders cannot be cancelled. Availability and shipping dates are estimated. Pre-ordered items will be transferred and securely stored in your e-Pack® collection until they are available to ship, at which time you will receive an email notification. After the item is available to ship, you can also choose to trade the item for other collectibles on e-Pack®.
View your Upper Deck e-Pack® Collection here.